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Neshoba County Animal Hospital

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DIY Things Your Kids Can Make for Fido

As the holidays approach, many people are busy picking out gifts for their loved ones.

Holiday Hours at Neshoba County Animal Hospital

We’re wishing you the gift of good health this holiday season and all the year

Is Your Cat Licking Herself Too Much?

If you own a cat, you’ll notice that she licks herself frequently. Cats spend a

Introducing Wolfenoot

There’s a new holiday on the calendar that has the puparazzi jumping for joy. Joining

Why Do Cats Like to Sleep So Much?

Cats come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and personalities, but they share one thing

Tips for Getting Your Dog a Squeaky Toy

Oct. 28th is Plush Animal Lovers’ Day! Does your canine buddy absolutely love his plush

All About Your Cat’s Whiskers

Cats come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but whiskers are one thing that

What to Make of Your Dog’s Howling

Have you ever heard your dog howl? It’s something that many of our canine friends
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