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7 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Colic in Horses

December 1 2015
If you’re familiar with horses, you probably know that the word colic can be very fear-inducing. There’s a good reason for this: colic is one of the most common medical issues our equine friends can develop. It’s also one of the most serious, as it is extremely painful to horses, and can even be fatal. While there is no way to completely guarantee that your horse won’t get colic, there are things you can do to decrease the odds of your hooved pal developing this potentially deadly condition. In this article, a Philadelphia, MS vet lists some ways to prevent colic.

Dental Care

Making sure Silver’s teeth get floated regularly is very important! Horses with dental problems often can’t chew properly, which can increase the risk of developing colic.

Clean Water

Just like any other animal, horses need clean, fresh water. Those daily bucket scrubbings may not be the most glamorous part of owning a horse, but they are crucial to Silver’s health. Dirty buckets can harbor bacteria and insects, which can lead to several health problems, including colic.

Parasite Control

Keep up with Silver’s de-worming! Worms can increase your equine pal’s chances of developing colic. Ask your vet to recommend a de-worming regimen.

Proper Feeding

Too much sweet or pelleted feeds can also contribute to colic. Check with your vet periodically to make sure your hooved pal is getting the correct amount and type of feed for his weight, lifestyle, age, and health. When making changes, be sure to do so slowly!


Cooling your horse down properly after a vigorous ride is one of the most basic rules of good horse care. Better safe than sorry: never put Silver away hot, and walk him out a bit before letting him drink.


Turning your horse out regularly can reduce the risk of colic. Make sure Silver gets adequate grazing time!

Know Your Horse

The better you know your horse, the easier it will be to spot the early warning signs of colic. These symptoms include head-tossing; dry fecal balls; lethargy; reduced appetite. Horses with colic may also nip at their flanks, or act agitated. Contact your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss with Silver’s appetite or behavior. Please contact us, your Philadelphia, MS animal hospital, for all of your horse’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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